Sunday, September 23, 2007

How to Invest Money - What is Money?

I guess when we talk about how to invest money, the first thing we ask ourself is... "what is money?" Depending how you answer this question you may or may not struggle through life.

Some common answer are:
  • money is a mean to and end
  • money is a tool
  • with money, i can do whatever i want with whoever i want, where-ever i want and whenever i want
  • money is what makes the world go around
  • money is freedom
  • money causes greed
  • money is the root of all evil
  • money isn't everything in life
  • people with money most probably stole it
  • money doesn't buy you happiness
I can write a list that will never end... but I will stop here. Have a good read over the 10 points and ask yourself what you truly believe is true and ask yourself the question why.

Hopefully you will have more green points than red points. You may ask why? and the simple answer is that making money is the easiest thing in the world, keeping it is what most people don't do correctly. The strategies on how to invest money is only 20% of the picture, the other 80% is psychology! If your brain is telling you that you do not deserve the money, then your brain will subconsciously lose your money for you (ie. forcing you to spend it all, give it away, make bad financial decisions etc)

I'll go through some of the negative points and explain a bit more
  • money causes greed... I know a lots of poor greedy people, what about you?
  • money is the root of all people... people are evil, having money only make you more or less evil
  • money definitely isn't everything in life, but having money does help you live your life the way you want it
  • money is created when value is created, the reason you paid for it is because you value it... there is nothing stolen only time saved
  • i rather be a rich sad person than a poor sad person
I hope i'm making some of you uncomfortable, because it means its working and that you are learning something. Fear/discomfort etc. are all good things is a way your body is telling you that change is about to come! So be prepared!

Stay tuned for more lessons on how to invest money

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